Refugee summer camp

In the past moths we have had more and more refugees attending our church. Just this past week we had a family of five taking a bus to come 25 km to attend our Iranian church service.

Every other week we have a second service in Farsi and as of now there are 25-30 regular attendants. Many of the refugees from different countries have been coming regularly to our Sunday service, as well as to other church meetings. They are actively involved in church life and have been a blessing to our fellowship. Many of them come with their children and teenagers.

It is on our hearts to send those refugee kids to attend summer camps. We have 14 teenagers, we would like to see going on a youth camp at the Calvary Chapel castle in Austria. There are four younger kids we would like to send to a christian summer camp in our area. We would love to see all those kids enjoying christian fellowship, hearing the gospel and hopefully decide to follow Christ, if they have not taken this step yet.

These kids come from refugee families and some are from poor families, who can not afford to go to summer camp. We got some funds from the city council, but we still need to raise more money.

If you would like to financially support this missions project, please find out banking information here. Please make sure to note „summer camp or mission“ on your donation.

Thank you for your generosity and thank you for partnering with us in this mission project. May God bless you”


Rolf Crede

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