Donations for a minivan and youth retreat
More and more refugees have joined our fellowship throughout the past months. Many of them attend our regular Sunday service. Around 25 people attend our Farsi service on Sunday afternoon. They are involved in the fellowship and a great blessing to us. Many of them come with their children and teenagers.
Some of the refugees live far away from our church and have no transportation available to them. For this reason we are planning to buy a minivan, to be able to pick them up for the different church events thorough the week.
Another concern are 14 teenagers from different backgrounds, whom we would like to send to a youth retreat this summer. These teenagers come from refugee families or families who cannot afford to pay for a summer camp. We still need more finances to send all of them.
We are asking for your support for both of these projects. If you want to make a donation, please use the following banking information
Volksbank Lippstadt, IBAN: DE23 4166 0124 0786 9497 00, BIC: GENODEM1LPS
Or via PayPal
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Please note „minivan“ or „youth retreat“ on your donation. For donation receipts please send your full name and address to .
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